Due to COVID attack the the government announced full lockdown on 24th March 2020. The daily wage earners of Kolkata like small shop owners. Tea stall vendors . road side eating house. Auto Ricksaw and Vanricksaw drivers all at once got stuck. Then it comes to the consideration of survival . Considering the situation Team WE FOR ALL provided food grains to these families in the vicinity of Newtown.04th April,2020
Location: Aurobindo Pally, Kestopur (Under Newtown Police Station).
We(Weforall ) along with another organisation(Youth Power Prayash) have provided groceries and stationaries to the poor and needy people. The materials have been handed over by the President (Mr. Kalyan Chakraborti ) and the secretary (Mr Biswa Ranjan Choudhury ) of WeforAll Trust as per the guidance of Newtown Police Station.