
Eye checkup camp at Ward No 79,KMC,kiddirpore

On 24th February the Team Wily Merchant arranged an eye camp at ward no 79 ,KMC at Khidirpore . It was conducted under our outreach program .  We did our 2nd Eye Camp at Khiddirpore, Ward no 79 and treated 62 nos of people.It has been observed that 80% of the patient has got problem with their […]



Eye checkup camp at Orphan House ,of Jalaluddin Gazi at Joynagar

On 28th January 2018 , we conducted an eye camp at Joynagar , 24 Pgs(s), it was an inaugural movement for us by successfully organising an eye camp at Thakurchak , with Eye Care Research Centre..on the request of Jallaluddin Gazi, a noted social activist and philanthropist. It is an orphanage run by him. In the camp[…]